
Brainchild of lifelong movie fan and aimless writer A.J. Mijares, Neighborhood Film Club is a creative and analytical space dedicated to the love for all things onscreen. Armed with an overthinking mind and an arsenal of useless film knowledge at his disposal, A.J.’s intrinsic fascination with the societal impact of movies leads him down rabbit holes that might just make you mutter out loud, “how much free time does this clown have?”.

Through in-depth analyses, studies, reviews, retrospectives, and comparisons, he seeks to help fellow moviegoers appreciate the art form in all its many shapes. From award winners to the obscene and controversial, from triumphant tear-jerkers to pulpy cult classics, he hopes to bridge a gap between high art and low brow.

Movies are more than just stories, but a shared language we communicate through. Neighborhood Film Club doesn’t seek to create division, but unite readers through their mutual love for participating in the discussion of arts and culture in our time.